Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Challenge #8: The Advertease

As described by the previous winner:
The subject of this challenge is advertising. Take it wherever you want to go. Write a jingle. Use a classic line of advertising in your song. Sing about an offensive billboard you once saw. Or do something like this. Whatever, you are only limited by your own imagination (kind of like the Green Lantern).

Send your production-free recordings to rocktastica at gmail dot com by fall equinox, just because I am all about the equinox. As always, winner gets to gloat and pick the next challenge.


  1. One entry so far. Okay--let's do end of September as the final final deadline.

  2. yeah, it takes longer to email things from the west coast

  3. Hey, I wrote my song today but I wont be able to record it til tomorrow. Can we extend the deadline by one day? Pretty please?
